Ignite Growth Video Series

Why we help practices with
following up

In this video, Derek, CEO of Ignite Growth, explains why an effective follow-up procedure is key to success and why we help practices perfect theirs at Ignite.
Why we help practices with following up
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Why we help practices with following up

If you haven’t got a new good follow-up procedure, you’ll be at risk of losing a load of potential patients. 

At Ignite, we have perfected the follow-up procedure through trial and error, and we pass this information on to our clients as training. Too many clinics and practices lose out on getting those patients through the door due to not following up correctly. 

It plays such a key role in how an Open Day will turn out, which is why we don’t want to send you lots of new patient enquiries with no help on how to turn those into actual bookings that will show up for an appointment. 

We want you to succeed. That is why we are with you every step, from creating successful campaigns for you, right down to getting those patients into your consultation chair. This sets us apart from other agencies that may leave you to fend for yourselves once the leads start coming in. 

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