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Oxford House Dental Practice

Find out how personalised Dental Implant Marketing campaigns have helped Oxford House max out


New patients


Months due to success

Majority of Invisalign cases come from only Open Days

One skin clinic story

Getting results from dental implant marketing campaigns can be challenging but Ignite has developed solid strategies that deliver success. These strategies have proved to be invaluable for Oxford House Dental Practice.

Oxford House Dental Practice is a highly commended and awarded practice that has been serving patients in Milton Keynes since 1954.

Current practice principal Kaival Patel combines compassionate service with state-of-the-art technology, offering the latest treatments in a relaxed environment. The team’s common goal is to build relationships that focus on long-term care.

The challenge

Kaival wanted to find new implant and Invisalign patients to treat at the practice. He understood the importance of Facebook ads but had minimal experience, and he struggled to understand the platform. This meant that when he did try and launch ads, they were unsuccessful.

“I dabbled in a bit of Facebook marketing – but I didn’t really know what I was doing.”

He had also tried Google Ads prior to working with Ignite but found it was very competitive in his local area of Milton Keynes.

The bottom line was that he didn’t have the time or expertise needed, so he wasn’t getting the results he wanted.

The strategy

After speaking to Ignite, Kaival realised the team were the right fit for what he was looking for.

We started by launching an implant campaign and based on the strong initial results, Oxford House wanted to run an Invisalign Open Day followed by facial aesthetics campaigns.

Like any great initiative, the secret to a successful Invisalign Open Day is a solid strategy. The Ignite team have run hundreds of campaigns to promote open day events; we know how to help our practices get great results.

The Oxford House Invisalign open days are a massive undertaking with four scanners in four surgeries. It required close coordination between Oxford House and Ignite to make it a success and to fill up the day.

Dental Implant Marketing Campaign

Frustration with ad platforms is one of the main challenges for healthcare businesses that want to grow. Our healthcare-specific expertise with those platforms is one of the areas where we provide huge value.

We helped Oxford House gain clarity by providing the strategy, tactics and best practices that would enable them to attract the great fit, high-value new patients they wanted.

Despite being a challenging treatment to market successfully, we were confident we would be able to get the results they wanted to see, and so we launched their first implant campaign.

The results were so positive that Kaival asked us to run an Invisalign Open Day campaign for him as well.

Invisalign Open Day Campaigns

Like any great initiative, the secret to a successful Invisalign Open Day is a solid strategy.

The Ignite team have run hundreds of campaigns to promote open day events; that’s why we know how to help our practices get great results.

We didn’t just send leads to the practice and abandon them. The Ignite team were always on hand, and we’ve also built a solid knowledge base to provide support with valuable advice and step by step instructions on how to filter and nurture those new leads – and increase treatment uptake.

The Oxford House Invisalign Open Days have grown predictably and steadily; they now run four scanners in four surgeries.

The Ignite Open Day Framework has proven to work so well that Oxford House is now running Open Days every three months.

The transformation

The Open Day Framework worked so well that they now run Open Days every three months

On their most recent Open Day, they had 34 people paying deposits and going ahead with treatment

Now, the majority of their Invisalign cases come from the open days alone

The Ignite Growth team has helped hundreds of healthcare businesses achieve growth and we’d love to help you too. We know that running Facebook Advertising can be confusing, so let us show you how it works without the headache!

Book a call with our experts today and see what we can do for your healthcare business. You can do this by clicking here or below on the big orange strip.

Don’t forget to watch the video below to hear Kaival talk about the success he has had with Facebook Advertising and how he increased his Invisalign cases and dental implant patients.

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