
Dentistry News Roundup September 2022

Dentistry News Roundup September 2022

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As we drift into Autumn, we’ve got the September dentistry news roundup for you. We’ll discuss several topics, including how demand for aesthetic treatments is on the rise, what Slow Dentistry is, and the damaging effects direct-to-consumer aligners could have on the orthodontist industry.

So, let’s get stuck in and learn more about Slow Dentistry

Slow Dentistry

Dr Miguel Stanley, an advocate of Slow Dentistry, explains that it is the practice of implementing a more careful, and therefore slightly longer, experience to your appointments. He uses these four cornerstones as the basis for Slow Dentistry and argues they can be implemented anywhere in any practice.

  • Room disinfection
  • Proper anaesthesia
  • Rubber dam
  • Informed consent

Dr Miguel Stanley states that practising this kind of dentistry provides a better overall patient experience.

Mistakes are avoided, problems are caught early, the patient is more comfortable with less pain, there is better organisation, and waiting times are reduced.

Dentists also prioritise quality over quantity and, without the pressure, will enjoy their work more. In this article, you can learn more about Slow Dentistry and the pros of practising it.

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Is the reputation of orthodontists at risk?

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Last month, Arti Hindocha, consultant orthodontist, highlighted the risks surrounding direct-to-consumer aligner products and the effects they could have on the industry.

All over the world, these cheaper aligners are being offered to patients with almost no in-person visits to entice those who want a simpler way to straighten their teeth. The problem is that without tracking the progress of the teeth alignment in person, some patients end up less than happy with the results; some even have to uptake costly corrective treatment.

More needs to be done to educate patients about these aligners. While they may be cheaper, the risks are higher, and you can’t beat a personalised service with your own orthodontist. The fear is that aside from patients ending up with poor treatments and problems down the line, this could also affect the reputation of the orthodontal industry.

In this article, you can read more in-depth about the issues that have arisen, what is being done to tackle them and what you can do to confront this in your dental practice.

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Looking to expand your services and offer aesthetic treatments at your dental practice?

aesthetic treatments Dentistry News Roundup September 2022

This is something many dentists are taking an interest in, and statistics show that one in four practices now offer these types of treatments. Dentists have started to meet the rising demands and have seen the benefits of doing so.

With a solid client base at your clinic, you will likely have current patients interested in the new treatments. Offering aesthetic treatments will also bring in new patients who could uptake some of your existing dental procedures. Providing a variety of treatments gives you and your business a competitive edge to keep you abreast of your competitors.

Dentists need to be trained to provide these services, and in this article, Dr Vishnu Nathan discusses in detail the training options for dentists hoping to expand their business.

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Mismile annual conference

Mismile: The waiting list to join is growing, so what is all the hype about?

The Mismile Network comprises over 100 independent dental practitioners throughout the UK, focusing on Invisalign.

The latest annual Mismile conference saw hundreds in attendance. They discussed tips and tricks to improve the patient experience, with speakers talking about how they incorporated Invisalign into their practices.

The waiting list to become part of this network continues to grow as dentists are keen to improve their practices.

Check out this article for the full run-down of what went on at the annual conference.

If you want to talk to our team about growing your dental practice and how we can help you just book a free call with one of our experts who can work on a bespoke growth plan with you.

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