If you’re a dentist running Facebook Invisalign open day ads, but you’re not getting the results you want, this blog post will definitely help you.
So, let’s jump right in!
Are you not getting the most out of your Invisalign open day Facebook ad campaigns?
Done in the right way, Facebook ads can be extremely lucrative for dentists. They open you up to a range of prospective patients that otherwise might not find your practice.
How do we know this?
In the first few years, Ignite was built on running successful Facebook ads for dentists and to this day, it remains one of our key methods of getting patients booked in for Invisalign Open Days that our clients are running. Humblebrag… we really know what we are doing when it comes to Facebook ads!
So, grab a cup of tea and get ready to write some golden nuggets as we share our expertise on using Facebook ads for your dental practice!
How can I make Facebook ads work for my dental practice?
#1 Create relevance and qualify your audience: include the location and demographic
Newsfeeds are busy places, and people don’t go on Facebook looking to buy dental treatment.
To stand out on Facebook and Instagram, your ad needs to be super relevant to the audience so it catches their attention.
A great way of doing this is to mention your area in the opening sentence, so for example, you could say:
“Hey, Chelmsford!”
You’ve only said two words, but you’ve already started to attract people’s attention in your area of influence.
The big mistake practices make next is that they jump straight into talking about how great their practice is.
But what you need to do is make it all about the person or demographic you’re trying to target – so for us, that’s someone in the area who’s interested in having straighter teeth.
So a couple of ways to start would be:
- “Hey Chelmsford! How does a straight, confident new smile sound?”
- “Hey London! Ever wanted straight teeth but were put off by the thought of metal braces?”
- “Hey Leeds! Here at xyz dental practice, we’re giving away a handful of FREE Invisalign consultations.”
It’s essential to concentrate on the benefit to the patient. This can be having the treatment and walking away with “beautiful straight teeth”, “a dream smile”, “a lovely new smile”, etc.
It can be overcoming an objection like, “I want straight teeth but don’t want to go through the pain of metal braces for two years”.
Or it can be something to incentivise them to book, like offering a free consultation.
By the way, Facebook advertising rules mean you can’t straight out ask: “Do you have crooked teeth?” The word “you” is the problem because we can’t call people out based on their health, medical problems, or personal attributes.
So remember: Facebook is not a place to overtly sell – it’s where you create awareness and interest in what you offer.
#2 Know who to target
Over the years, we’ve gathered a lot of data from running hundreds of profitable open days, and we’ve done comprehensive testing around the targeting of males and females.
That data tells us that a female audience between 20 and 40 tends to convert the best online, and the feedback we’ve had from practices we work with is that they tend to convert best in surgery as well.
Obviously, there are many males undergoing Invisalign treatment, but generally speaking, on Facebook and Instagram, we tend to get the best results targeting females between 20 and 40.
We find that females will quite often bring their partners or at least influence the decision-making of their partners.
Remember that, depending on your local demographic and how densely populated it is, you might want to extend that age range to 50 to ensure your target audience is big enough.
The next ingredient coming up is all about creating a strong headline!
#3 Use a real picture and a strong headline
The picture is the first thing that grabs people’s attention and stops them from scrolling past your ad.
The key takeout here is: NEVER use stock photographs!!
They don’t work, and your ad will not look authentic. So pictures of real people in your practice work best, whether that’s you as the dentist, your team members, or a happy smiling patient (with their permission, of course!).
Now our ad has caught people’s attention with a picture of a natural person.
The next thing you want is a really clear headline because you have one shot to keep them reading and resonate with them.
That’s why you have to make it crystal clear what you’re offering.
So we often say:
“Book a FREE Invisalign open day consultation in {your area}…”
That’s very clear, straightforward, and we’re calling out the area again too!
Using emojis in your headline is also good because it makes it look more natural and contextual for Facebook.
#4 Leverage the Invisalign brand
Invisalign invests a tremendous amount of money in sales and marketing every year.
Because we’re promoting Invisalign, we have the luxury of leveraging that investment.
Over the years, they’ve earned vast amounts of brand trust and awareness, and now Invisalign is more or less a household name.
The great news is you benefit from that investment when writing your ad!
Using the Invisalign brand name has proven to work exceptionally well in our campaigns, so if you want a winning Invisalign open day ad, then make sure to use the Invisalign brand too.
Pro-tip: Even if you offer other aligner or teeth straightening systems, Invisalign is a great way to get “bums in seats” – even if patients decide to take up another form of treatment.
#5 Highlight the benefits and value of the iTero™ Simulation
When you stop to think about it, the iTero™ 3D smile simulation is an incredible tool.
Because it de-risks the experience for the patient!
Anytime we buy something, especially if it’s a higher-end product that requires a significant investment, there’s a risk.
The risk is that it might not meet my needs or help me achieve the outcome that I want.
The same goes for treatments.
People are taking a risk buying treatment from you.
The iTero™ smile simulation helps de-risk the decision for the patient by painting a picture of what their smile could look like in 6, 12, or 18 months.
So make sure you articulate the value of that by saying something like…
“Come and see your smile before you commit to treatment.”
“Stop wondering what your smile would look like and come see it instead!”
If you want to create a compelling ad that stands out, then your iTero™ scanner is an incredible marketing tool. It makes high-intent leads feel even more confident in their decision to proceed with treatment, so make sure you highlight it in your ad copy!
Invisalign has also released their new Outcome Simulator Pro, which uses in-face visualisation and a 3D dentition view. If you’re wondering whether your practice should invest in this new simulator which is used with the Itero Element Plus series scanner, let’s go through some of the benefits.
Your patients will be able to see a 3D simulation of their face with the completed treatment offering them a personalised view of how their smile could look if they decide to go through with the Invisalign treatment.
You’ll also be able to show the patients the outcome within minutes of scanning. And while the treatment simulation is being generated in the background, you can still use all of the other Itero tools during the consultation.
By showing patients a realistic view of their potential future smiles, this Outcome Simulator Pro has the potential to increase your conversion rate and turn those prospective patients into real-life patients!
#6 Articulate the value of your offer (without discounting)
Winning open day ads are based around some sort of offer (or hook) to make them attractive, and with the right offer, you can fill one or even multiple days.
But that doesn’t mean having to give a discount on Invisalign. In fact, a lot of the bigger, really successful Invisalign providers don’t discount.
They charge full price because they’re really good at creating and articulating value and creating an exceptional patient experience.
When you combine a good offer with the time-sensitive nature of the open day itself, then you have a powerful strategy for growing your treatment uptake.
So how do you articulate the value of what the patient is getting?
Simply list the items you usually bundle for free and assign them a value in pounds. These could be:
- The free consultation
- Free whitening
- Complimentary fixed or removable retainers
- Complimentary hygiene or aftercare
- New patient exam
There’s a cost to you in delivering all of this:
- Chair time
- Staff and material costs
- Overheads
The patient is getting additional value from the things you’re bundling in by attending your Invisalign open day, so you need to feel comfortable articulating that.
Dentistry is not a commodity, and that’s why we stay away from competing on price and focus on the value – otherwise, it’s just a race to the bottom!
#7. Have a crystal clear call-to-action (CTA)
So someone sees your Facebook ad and thinks…
“Okay, great. You have an Invisalign open day. That’s nice. What do I do to sign up?”
If they have to think about what they need to do, or if they have to wonder what’s the next step, then you’re going to lose them.
That’s why you need to make that crystal with your call-to-action. So, for example, you can use:
- Sign up
- Book
- Learn more
Even people who are genuinely interested in your offer are impatient and easily distracted, so hold their hand and tell them what they need to do to move to the next step, and you’ll lose fewer people along the way.
#8 Introduce some friction
Facebook in-built lead generation ads will give you a ton of leads.
The problem is the leads will most likely be very low-intent (aka low “quality”).
That’s because some people on Facebook are what we call ‘serial clickers.’
They literally will click on anything and everything.
Facebook native lead gen ads simply make it too easy for people to register interest in your offer. With one or two clicks, they’ve submitted their details.
You need a way to filter out those serial clickers.
A well-crafted Facebook ad that points them to a few hoops to jump through in the form of qualifying questions eliminates this problem.
So friction can be a good thing. The art is creating just the right amount of friction that doesn’t cause the more serious leads to give up!
There you have it!
The “8 Essential Ingredients Of A Winning Invisalign Open Day Ad”
#1. Create relevance and qualify your audience: include the location and demographic
#2. Know who to target
#3. Use a real picture and a strong headline
#4. Leverage the Invisalign brand
#5. Highlight the benefits and value of the iTero™ Simulation
#6. Articulate the value of your offer (without discounting)
#7. Have a crystal clear call-to-action (CTA)
#8. Introduce some friction
Now that you know the 8 ingredients, you can get to work creating your own winning open day ad!
Let us know what worked best for you, and if you need more support, our team of growth experts are here to help.