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How to build your landing page to improve Google Ads performance and boost patient enquiries

Holly Patterson

So, you’ve set up your Google Ads with great graphics and copy; you’re targeting the right audience and are spending the right amount on bidding. Despite this, your ads are still not performing as well as you’d hoped, and you aren’t getting as many new patients into your clinic as you thought you would.

It’s time to take a look at your landing page.

While tracking and optimising your Google ads is vital to keep them as effective as possible, other elements will also affect how well they perform.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to build your landing page to improve Google ads performance and why this is so important.

So, why is it essential to optimise your landing page?

If you notice that your prospective patients end up on your landing page but quickly click off, there are a few things you can do.

You’ll need to improve your landing page experience for website visitors. They will need to be able to navigate the page easily and follow the call-to-action, such as booking a consultation.

Further down, we will go into more detail on how to optimise your landing page, but at the moment, you need to understand why.

Having an effective landing page linked to your Google ads will help decrease the bid (the amount you spend on a single click on any given keyword). Also, as users spend more time on your site, it should generate more leads and, ultimately, more patients for your clinic.

Quality Score

Google created the Quality Score to use as a diagnostic tool for people to compare their ads with those of other advertisers. You can use it to help you to identify where you can improve your ads, landing pages, or keyword selection.

It is important to note here that the Quality Score is not a key performance indicator. That’s to say, it is separate from the rest of your data, and you should use it as a diagnostic tool.

Your Quality Score is measured on a scale of 1-10.

If you have a high Quality Score (8-10), it means that your ad and landing page are more relevant to potential patients that are searching for the keywords you are using compared to the ads of other advertisers.

A low Quality Score might not be reflected in your key performance indicators. Still, you should work on increasing relevancy within your ad, the keywords you use, and your landing page.

Why should you care about your Quality Score?

It will affect your advertising costs. Your Quality Score directly affects how much you spend on the cost per click (CPC). It also greatly influences your ad rank – where your ad will appear on the Google Search Engine. Ideally, you want to be right at the top of the Google page to increase your conversion rate.

Where can you find your Quality Score?

Log in to your Google Ads account:

In the left-hand menu, click on ‘Keywords’ (see image to the side)

In the upper right corner of the table, click the columns icon (see image below)

Open the ‘Quality Score’ section under “Modify columns for keywords”

Choose the following to add to your statistics table (see image to the side):

  • Quality Score
  • Landing Page Exp.
  • Exp. CTR
  • Ad Relevance

Click ‘Apply’

See below how your results will be displayed

You can also view your past Quality Score stats by choosing the ‘history’ version of the same metrics.

How does Google calculate your Quality Score?

Using its algorithm, Google calculates your Quality Score based on three components:

  • Expected Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
  • Ad Relevance
  • Landing Page Experience

Let’s break these down a bit.

Expected clickthrough rate (CTR)

The CTR is how likely your ad will be clicked on when shown to someone. It indicates which ads are most relevant to users.

Keywords play a crucial role. If, for example, you are using a well-targeted keyword along with a relevant ad, you can expect a higher CTR than if there is little relation between the two.

Basically, the more relevant and consistent your keywords are to your ads and your healthcare business, the higher the CTR and, therefore, the higher the Quality Score.

Ad relevance

The ad relevance indicates how closely your ad matches the intent behind a user’s search. You’ll need to ensure that the keywords your prospective patients are searching (these are the keywords in your ad group) are also in your ad copy and on the landing page.

The keyword relevancy is crucial. If it doesn’t match the intent of what the visitor was searching for and hoping to find by clicking on your ad, they will quickly bounce off the landing page.

It’s the same for the ad copy relevancy. The copy needs to be relevant to the intent. Then, through the use of keywords, assist and nudge the visitor from Google onto your landing page, where they should find relevant information relating to their search.

Landing page experience

The landing page experience refers to the relevance and usefulness of your landing page to the people who click on your ad. Once again, it relates back to ensuring the person reaching your website has the information they expect to see.

The landing page is generally overlooked as a component that affects the Quality Score. It is actually an essential element, and here we will go through how to improve it to boost your Quality Score.

Here are some quick questions you’ll need to ask yourself while working on your landing page:

Do the prospective patients get the information they came for?
Is the offer believable and trustworthy?
Does the offer have value – both emotional and financial value?
Does your page follow up on promises made in the ad?

Improving your landing page to increase your Quality Score

Your landing page should be compiled of essential elements that will provide you with a solid structure to help you convert the traffic (get enquiries from potential patients) that is driven there from your ad. You need a low bounce rate to improve your Quality Score, meaning the content you put on your landing page needs to be effective and engaging.

Read on for some must-haves on your landing page.


The headline should be clear and concise so that within the first four words, the audience is captivated. It needs to include the same keywords in the ad’s headline, so it is relevant to what the prospective patient has just clicked on.

Here are some examples:

Ad headline: Get FREE teeth whitening with your Invisalign Treatment

Landing page headline: Book your Invisalign treatment now and get FREE teeth whitening


The subheadline should help the audience understand further what the page or offer is about. It can be up to 30 words long and should support the headline.


The copy is your chance to get your audience to engage with your landing page. Add in more detail and cover all the relevant questions while still using some of the keywords used in the ad.

This will not only help to increase your Quality Score via relevant keywords, but it will also mean your page visitors are more likely to stay on the page for longer. And Google will reward you for a low bounce rate!

Social Proof

Use testimonials from satisfied patients written from their point of view. Hearing about their experience in the form of a quote with their name and a picture builds trust. Consumers want to hear about other buyers’ experiences before buying. Having these testimonials on your landing page will increase the chances of prospective patients taking a specific action, such as booking a consultation. Learn more in our blog post about why patient reviews are vitala and how to get them.


Your call-to-action could be a form to fill out or a button to press. Keeping the form short is crucial as many people don’t like to commit too much and hand over too many details in the beginning! You should also make the action they need to take obvious. Don’t make them search the page to find out what they need to do next. You can put your call-to-action throughout the page to make it clear.


You might have a winning headline and great content, but if your design isn’t up to scratch, you’ll lose leads. Your landing page should follow a similar format to your website. Matching logos, colour scheme, and font will mean your page is recognisable. Don’t lose those people clicking on your page by not having an easy-to-follow, attractive design!

Additional notes for a winning landing page

While we have covered the main points of creating an effective landing page, you’ll also need to pay attention to the following.

Speedy page

You’ll need a fast-loading page to reduce the bounce rate.

So, how do you ensure your page loads within a few seconds?

Speed is key because for mobile sites the bounce probability increases to 90% if a page takes up to 5 seconds to load.

Key Takeaways

Relevancy between the landing page and ad is key to improving your ads performance. Make sure you use the best keywords in your ads and be consistent with the copy of your landing page. Check up on your Quality Score and optimise your landing page to increase the leads.

With this blog, you should have a good understanding of improving your ad performance but if you are still struggling and you would like expert help, get in touch with our team at Ignite Growth for a free call!

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