Ignite Growth Video Series

Why dental practice marketing is a Science

In this video, Derek explains the Science behind marketing your dental practice.
Why dental practice marketing is a Science
Why you need a landing page - line break

Why dental practice marketing is a Science

‘’Marketing is a lot more of a science than it really gets credit for.’’

Traditionally, marketing has been in the form of putting out ads in newspapers or sending out flyers. But with today’s technology, we know who is looking at our ads, clicking on them, and how they find our ads.

With this data, we can perfect the performance of our ads and make sure we are targeting the right people with relevant and engaging information that will resonate with them. If something doesn’t work, we can fix it. 

This makes marketing very data-based and, therefore, more of a science that it gets credit for.

Check out the video above to learn more about why dental practice marketing is a science.

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